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Financially Fit 2018

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One of my goals for 2018 was to try my best to be financially free or at least make a decent attempt at chipping away at debt. I’ve been inspired by youtubers, bloggers and one of my best friends who paid off all debt in 5 years. I’ve read multiple blogs, pinterest posts, youtube videos, the dave ramsey method etc. I’ve gathered a lot of great tips and insights and decided that 2018 is where I put it all into practice.

Here’s what I’ve done so far

Got rid of cable

I know this is recommended by a lot of people, I think the only reason we kept it for so long was for sports and live events. But when we finally decided to break up with our cable package, we saved 60 bucks a month.

Joined the coffee club at work

Since returning to work after mat leave in June 2017, I found myself heading over to Starbucks at lunch to enjoy an iced coffee and walking back to the office. By joining the coffee club at work, we take turns buying a bag of coffee and helps the whole team save money.

Increase car payments

In March I will have exactly 3 years left to pay on my vehicle. Because it’s an open loan, I was able to up my bi-weekly payments by 5 bucks. As a result, I’m making an extra $120 in payments a year.


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