30 Things I've learnt in 30 years
I’m still finding it a bit surreal that I’m turning 30 this Monday, September 3rd. Where did 30 years go? High school doesn’t seem like it was that long ago, then I went to college, university and I’ve been working full time for the same employer since I was 23. Time is moving faster than I'd like.
Remember when someone told you they were 30 and you thought weh, that’s old! Now here I am- thirty.
The good thing about turning 30 is you have some experience under your belt, which shapes your future and makes your life better. You’ve made mistakes, learned from them, gone through hard times, heart breaks and it’s only made your stronger and shaped you into who you are today.
Coming up with 30 things was actually easier than I thought. Here they are:
1) Wear sunscreen- wrinkles aren’t cute.
2) A smile can go a long way!
3) Be kind to everyone you meet.
4) Say no.
5) Have less things – it clears your mind and your home.
6) Slow down. Don’t double book or cram too many things into a day, an hour or even a lunch break.
7) After you have a child, you will cry at everything.
8) Go to bed at a decent time.
9) Invest in a good mattress, your back will thank you.
10) Be good to your body, you only get one, so take care of it.
11) Drink more water.
12) Show up early.
13) Send your food back if it’s not to your liking at a restaurant. Seriously, if I have to get a baby sitter and spend money at a restaurant it better be nothing short of delicious!
14 Running sucks- I’ll run from a bear if I have to, but I hate the act of running. I tried, I really tried. I did a 5k and even a 10k and that’s as far as I went. I love working out, lifting weights and group exercises.
15) Learn as much as you can. Study maps, read the news and ask questions.
16) Music is a great mood booster. In the car, at work or at home. Music has a way of book marking places and events in your life. You hear an old song and it takes you back to an exact moment in your life.
17) Find someone who makes you laugh and who you can be silly with and make fun of and tease in good fun.
18) Appreciate today, we’re not guaranteed a tomorrow.
19) Time moves faster than you think, especially when you have kids.
20) Family is everything, cherish them, spend time with them and be kind.
21) Getting outdoors can brighten your day, literally. Being outside is so good for you.
22) Don’t compare yourself to others, be happy with what you have while working for what you want.
23) Always have something to look forward to, a trip, a hair appointment or coffee with a friend. It makes the long days easier.
24) Pay off debt.
25) Dark chocolate is amazing.
26) Speaking to people of different cultures, race and beliefs brings me joy. We can all learn something.
27) Be present. Get off your phone.
28) Speak your mind, stand up for your beliefs and voice your opinion.
29) Surround yourself with good quality relationships. There’s no room for toxic people.
30) Life is short. Buy the shoes.