How to potty train in 3 days
I really was not expecting this to be so successful! I had heard about the 3 day potty training method when Cameron was still under a year old. I researched it and pinned some articles on Pinterest. I was going to attempt to try on my summer holidays in August when Cameron would have been just over two years old. But quickly decided that was NOT how I wanted to enjoy our summer holidays.
This past weekend, I chose to start Saturday and take Monday off and keep Cameron at home to make it a solid 3 days. I know you are supposed to stay "home" for the three days, but we spend our summer at our family cottage. So Saturday morning we woke up at the cottage and took off his soggy wet diaper and let him run around bottomless. I started by setting a timer on my phone that went off every 17 minutes and I would ask him if he needed to pee. I gave him juice and milk to help him go. Every time he would go I would say "yaayy good job!" and give him a high five. He's really into freezies this summer, so that's what he would get every time he went.
That day he only had one or two accidents. We put on a diaper for nap and bed time.
Day two- Sunday. I know it's not recommended to leave the house on day two, but we left the cottage to go back home. We had just made it down the road when he told me he had to pee. I pulled over (dirt road) and took out the potty and put him on it, he went! I told him he could have freezie when we got home. After we got home, we needed to go to the grocery store, so I put him on the potty before we left and I was expecting him to have an accident because we were out and about plus the car ride, but he did amazing, no accidents at all! I put underwear on him when we would go out, but if we were at home he would be bottomless.
Day three - this was Monday, I put him on the potty as soon as he woke up and he went. Then we had breakfast and played. I would ask him every so often if he had to pee, if by the third time he said no, I would say well lets just try. This was the day he pooped in the potty for eh first time! The only accident he had was when we were outside on the deck. We also went to the park and went to visit daddy at work. again, I was prepared for accidents but there was none!
I'm so proud of him and how effortless this was. I was really expecting this to fail. Now, I'm a bit sad because he looks SO grown up in underwear and is no longer a baby :(
Update: Cameron is doing fantastic! No accidents during the day. He wakes up during the night and asks to go pee. He wakes up dry most of the time. During nap, I don't even put a pull up on him and he wakes up dry. He's super good at going pee before we leave the house.
We really struggled with how pooping in the beginning. He was scared to go on the toilet. Solution: We gave him some laxatives and he went right away! Haven't had any issues since. I'm so proud of my big boy!